SkillWorks centers its impact strategy in our core values:

Equity & Economic Justice
Center equity, racial and economic justice in workforce development, prioritizing underrepresented populations and seeking at all times representative perspectives and partners.

Systems Change
Invest in solutions to meet current challenges, while also working to address systemic barriers to access and success in the workforce, including strengthening the workforce system itself.

Leadership & Influence
Leverage SkillWorks’ unique place in the Workforce Development ecosystem to bring issues, models, and challenges to the forefront, to move the field forward with research, and to advance policy and practice change through civic leadership.

Engage with and amplify diverse stakeholders, build capacity for change by working across sectors and leveraging both private and public resources, and support strategic partnerships and coalitions.
With a firm base in our values we measure our impact using the following goals:
- Increase job quality in our region, empowering workers with household-sustaining careers
- Support and promote employers who are practicing good job quality and worker empowerment
- Partner with stakeholders groups like the AFL-CIO and the Greater Boston Chamber Of Commerce to build best practices for both job seekers and employers
- Expand equitable access and pathways to quality, empowered jobs
- Invest in organizations that are producing innovative pathways to in demand industries for underrepresented populations
- Expand post-secondary pathways into in-demand industries and quality jobs
- Elevate policy priorities that address barriers to career pathways, particularly for underrepresented populations
- Ensure affordable, accessible support systems for all
- We are unapologetically committed to making Greater Boston a place where everyone has access to and training for household-sustaining jobs and where race is not a predictor of wealth or income.